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FAQ and News

What's the deal with trash pickup?
What days will my trash be picked up?
Regular garbage is collected on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Recycling is collected on Saturdays.
Who picks up the trash?
Texas Pride Disposal is the current vendor that services Bonbrook.
Is the HOA in charge of trash?
No! Fort Bend Municipal Utility District 155 contracts the vendor for trash collection.
Does the HOA or MUD provide trash cans or recycling bins?
No. You are responsible for purchasing your own cans or bins for trash or recycling. Containers should not be bigger than 95 gallons.
I have a couch to throw out- will they take that?
Yes! Two heavy items are collected every service day. See Texas Pride's website for more information.
What about a refrigerator or freezer?
You must have a certified technician remove the freon and tag the unit before collection.